Created by Merv Griffin, Wheel of Fortune is a game show that first aired back in 1975. The current version was first released in September 1983 and the original version first premiered in January 1975 until it was cancelled in September 1991.
It is one of the longest-running game show in the United States and has aired around 7,000 episodes. It has gained recognition for having sixty international adaptations and its latest season premiered on September 13, 2021. Apart from receiving a positive response from the audience, the show has also been a recipient of several accolades.
So, when is the 40th season releasing? What is the format? Who would be hosting the show? Continue reading to know further details.
Wheel of Fortune Format and Cast
The basic format of the show is based on hangman where three players compete in a round to guess the unknown words in a puzzle, which is shown on a board of 52 monitors. The host initially reveals the category and viewers can see it on the bottom of their screen. Crossword puzzles have been included since 2016 and in those rounds, the host offers a clue combining the words in the puzzle instead of a category.
The competitors can win by solving all the words in the crossword by saying them in any order without repeating a word or any extra words. The main Wheel of Fortune is a wheel in the form of a roulette with 24 wedges and they are labeled with amounts ranging between $500 to $5,000. The wheel also has two Bankrupt wedges and one Lose a Turn wedge.
Pat Sajak and Vanna White have been the hosts of the show since the beginning and they will also present the upcoming season. Any other changes have not been announced.
Wheel of Fortune Season 40 Release Date
The 39th season of Wheel of Fortune was released in September last year and concluded this year. Since it is a game show, the making won’t take much time and it should premiere by 2023.
Merv Griffin is the executive producer of the show along with Harry Friedman, Mike Richards, Bellamie Blackstone and Steve Schwartz. The show is produced by John Rhinehart, Nancy Jones, Harry Friedman, Karen Griffith and Steve Schwartz.
Wheel of Fortune Season 40 Trailer
There is currently no trailer available for Wheel of Fortune Season 40 until now. It should be out by the end of this year. For now, check a still from Season 39 below:
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.