Bob’s Burgers is an adult animated sitcom that airs on Fox. The show has been created by Loren Bouchard. He also serves as an executive producer on the show, along with Jim Dauterive. The show premiered on January 9, 2011, with 13 episodes in the first season. Bob’s Burgers follows the story of the Belcher family- Bob, his wife Linda, and their three children, Tina, Gene and Louise. Together, they run a hamburger restaurant. Ten seasons of Bob’s Burgers have aired so far, with a total of 194 episodes.
When the show first premiered, it received average reviews. However, it started receiving much better reviews for the following seasons. Bob’s Burgers was ranked as one of the Top 60 Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time in 2013, by TV Guide. It has also been nominated for several awards, including the Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program, for a record seven consecutive times; and winning the award in 2014 and 2017.
Cast of Bob’s Burgers Season 11
H. Jon Benjamin is the voice of the titular character Bob Belcher, owner of Bob’s Burgers. John Roberts is the voice of Bob’s wife, Linda Belcher. Dan Mintz voices the character of Tina Belcher, the eldest of the three Belcher children. Eugene Mirman is the voice of the character Gene Belcher, the middle child and the only son of Bob and Linda. Kristen Schaal voices the character of Louise Belcher, the youngest of the three kids.
Recurring characters on Bob’ Burgers include Jimmy Pesto Sr. (Jay Johnston), his son Jimmy Jr. (H. Jon Benjamin), twins Andy (Laura Silverman) and Ollie (Sarah Silverman), Zeke (Bobby Tisdale), Tammy (Jenny Slate), Jocelyn (John Roberts), Darryl (Aziz Ansari), Regular-Sized Rudy (Brian Huskey), Mr. Frond (David Hermand), Uncle Teddy (Larry Murphy), Mort (Andy Kindler), Mike Wobbles (Tim Meadows), Gayle (Megan Mullally), Calvin Fischoeder (Kevin Kline) and Felix Fischoeder (Zach Galifianakis).
Release Date of Bob’s Burgers Season 11
Bob’s Burgers was renewed for season 11 in May 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the production of the show was minorly affected, with some of the voice actors recording their parts from home. The eleventh season is set to premiere on Fox on September 27, 2020.