American animated satirical fantasy sitcom, Disenchantment is created by Matt Groening. The series follows a Princess who’d rather be drinking than attend to her duties. Free-spirited Bean exasperates the king as she wreaks havoc with her demon and elf pals that debuted on Netflix on August 17, 2018.
Groening is also the executive producer of the series along with Josh Weinstein, Patric M. Verrone, Bill Oakley, Eric Horsted, and Claudia Katz. The series has received a good response from critics and audiences and currently holds an approval rating of 62% on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.
So, when will be season 3 released? What is the plot? Who will come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Disenchantment Plot and Cast
Produced by The ULULU Company, the makers have not shared anything regarding the plot of Disenchantment Part 5. Once it is shared we will update it on our website @DroidJournal.
Now, coming to the cast includes Abbi Jacobson as Bean, Eric André as Luci, Nat Faxon as Elfo, Tress MacNeille as Queen Oona, Matt Berry as Prince Merkimer, Sharon Horgan as Queen Dagmar, Maurice LaMarche as Odval, and more.
Disenchantment Part 5 Release Date
The makers have not announced the official release date of Part 5 of Disenchantment. But we hope that the new part will release in the upcoming months of 2023. The series debuted on August 17, 2018. The series has received fairly positive reviews from critics and audiences.
The release date for the second batch was revealed to be September 20, 2019 in the same year. There were several delays after being confirmed to premiere in late 2020 and the release date for the third part was confirmed to be January 15, 2021. The fourth part eventually premiered on February 9, 2022.
Disenchantment Part 5 Trailer
The makers have not released the official trailer for Disenchantment Part 5 yet. For now you can check the trailer from the previous part of the series.