Created by Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom. MacFarlane is also the executive producer alongside David Zuckerman, Daniel Palladino, David A. Goodman, Chris Sheridan, Danny Smith, and many others.
The series first premiered on January 31, 1999, and ran for 20 seasons until 2021. The latest season of the series was released on September 25, 2022. The show has been renewed for two more seasons, which are soon coming on the streaming platform.
So, when is the 22nd season releasing? What is the plot? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Family Guy Season 22 Plot
The makers of the show have not revealed anything related to the plot of the new season. It mostly revolves around the adventures of the Griffin family, consisting of Peter Griffin, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie, and their dog Brian Griffin.
The primary setting of the show is Quahog, a fictional city in Rhode Island that was founded by Peter’s ancestor Griffin Peterson. MacFarlane was a resident in Providence when he was a student at Rhode Island School of Design and the show includes distinct Rhode Island landmarks similar to real-world locations.
MacFarlane mostly borrows the names of Rhode Island locations and icons like Pawtucket and Buddy Cianci for use in the show. While speaking to Providence’s Fox affiliate WNAC-TV, he said that the town is modeled after Cranston, Rhode Island.
Where To Watch Family Guy Season 22?
Family Guy is a famous animated sitcom that is running from 1999 and now the show have 21 seasons in total, which are available on Fox. Family Guy has got renewed for a new season, which is also set to arrive on the same platform.
Family Guy Season 22 Release Date and Cast
While the new season has been officially renewed, there’s no official date revealed by the makers yet. But now they have finally announced the official release date for the 22nd season, which is schedule to arrive on September 17th, 2023. The new season might have 20 episodes like the pervious seasons. However, the developers are yet to give a confirmation on the same.
The series features the voices of Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Mike Henry, Arif Zahir, and Patrick Warburton. All of them are expected to come back in Season 21.
Family Guy Season 22 Trailer
As of now, there is no trailer available for the upcoming season. You can watch out a glimpse of the show above.
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.