Created, written, and directed by Ziki Nelson, Iwájú is an upcoming animated series, made for Disney+. Jennifer Lee is the executive producer of the show and it is distributed by Disney Platform Distribution.
Nelson has described it as her own story and is the first original long-form animated series produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios in its history. The series was announced back in 2020 with WDAS and Kugali Media as co-producers and it is scheduled to premiere soon.
So, when is the brand new show released? What is the plot? Who would be playing the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Iwájú Release Date
Iwájú was originally scheduled to premiere in 2022 but it was delayed for some reason. Details about the show’s characters and plot were revealed at the Investors Day for Disney in December 2021.
The makers have confirmed that the brand-new show is scheduled to premiere sometime in 2023, although a specific date is yet to be revealed. The series is produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, Kugali Media, and Cinesite.
Iwájú Plot and Cast
Though details of the storyline and its main characters are still under wraps, Nelson said the plot would focus on the inequality that is a “feature of everyday life in Nigeria,” as well as “challenging the status quo.” “It’s really about that inspiration, or aspiration and desire, to try and engineer society for living more positively,” he said. Working remotely across three continents, production on “Iwájú” includes creatives in Burbank, London, Montreal, Lagos, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The aesthetic draws on Kugali’s signature comic-book style, which Nelson described as a “visual experience that you can’t find anywhere else,” borrowing both Eastern and Western art styles while incorporating “traditional African art styles that we’ve infused into that aesthetic.” Disney VFX supervisor Marlon West (“Frozen, “Frozen 2”) added, “It may not look like a Disney film, but it needs to look like Disney quality…. We’re going to bring our A-game.”
Since the show is still under development, the makers have not revealed anything about the lead cast members. However, we can expect to see some well-known faces from the entertainment industry.
Iwájú Trailer
There is currently no trailer available for Iwájú. It will be out once a release date is confirmed.