Created by Matthew Hall, produced by Vox Pictures, and starring Eve Myles, Hannah Daniel, Matthew Gravelle, Bradley Freegard, Mark Lewis Jones, Mali Harries, and Aneirin Hughes, “Keeping Faith” (Welsh: Un Bore Mercher, “One Wednesday Morning”), is a Welsh thriller television series that follows Faith, a small-town Welsh lawyer, wife, and mother who is forced to cut short her extended maternity leave when her husband and business partner, Evan, goes missing. As the truth of his actions surface, Faith must fight to protect her family and her sanity and first broadcast on November 5, 2017, on S4C.
The latest season made its debut on Monday, April 11, 2021, on AcornTV.
Osian has been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor and his father and consultant can’t agree on whether to operate because of the huge risk to the boy’s life. Faith’s fight for the rights of the child to choose takes her all the way to the High Court of Justice in London, where she’s forced to confront ghosts from her past.
In her personal life, the series sees Faith heading for an amicable divorce with Evan although there’s still a sense of unfinished business between the two. Steve, keeping to his word, has not contacted Faith for two years but is still pining for her from his place in the woods.
Series creator Matthew Hall said: “The third and last series sees Faith forced to draw on her deepest reserves of faith and love and her undying hunger for the truth as she takes on both the biggest case of her career – that of 14-year-old Osian, who is given up for dead by doctors who refuse to risk further treatment – while confronting the darkest secrets and lies of her past. Who really is Faith? Where does she come from?
“In a journey that veers between tragedy and hope, tears and laughter, Faith is tested to her limits as a mother, daughter, lover, wife, best friend, and lawyer until her story erupts in an emotional and unexpected climax… and her final goodbye.”
Where can I stream “Keeping Faith”?
Exclusively available on AcornTV, BBC One, you can also stream the show on Amazon Prime Video, Hoopla, YouTube TV (Free Trial), or buy it as a download on Apple iTunes, and Google Play Movies.