Time is the world’s most valuable commodity.
Time only moves forward and never backward in life. A person can never hit the reset button on past mistakes. A person’s life can take a quantum leap in the blink of an eye. Living in your twenties feels like you’re driving on the autobahn in Germany.
Every day moves one hundred miles per hour and evolves at the highest frequency in life. Everyone is born with different financial, racial, and family dynamics. However, we’re all given twenty hours to make a difference in life.
Major Recording Artist/Serial Entrepreneur Kyss Major understands the value of making every second count. Kyss Major’s life is a pure reflection of being self-made at the highest level.
Kyss Major understands the power of time.
Being born with great expectations, Kyss Major has never taken the road of least resistance. Kyss Major’s music provides global mental therapy for dream chasers.
Listening to Kyss Major’s lyrics in real-time, a person can feel the reality of their purpose and deepest fears. Kyss Major’s journey to greatness enters into its legacy phase. The following two years of her creative process will cement Kyss Major’s urban legend.
Kyss Major’s current single ‘Breathe’ remains in heavy rotation on 99.7 DA HEAT Miami powered by iHeartRadio. 99.7 DA HEAT Miami is an interactive division of RADIOPUSHERS and RESULTSANDNOHYPE.