Created by Dick Wolf, Ilene Chaiken, and Matt Olmstead, Law & Order: Organized Crime is a crime drama television series. Wolf and Chaiken are also the executive producers alongside Arthur W. Forney, Peter Jankowski, Fred Berner, Terry Miller, and Christopher Meloni.
The first season of the series premiered on April 1, 2021, followed by the second season on September 23, 2021. The series has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences and currently holds an approval rating of 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite the mixed response, the makers have renewed the series for a third season.
So, when is the third season released? What is the plot? Who has been cast to play the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Law & Order: Organized Crime Plot and Cast
Although the makers have not revealed much, Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3 will revolve around a drug trafficking ring, committed by a crime family and the leader of the ring is an agent with the police.
The basic premise of the show follows Elliot Stabler, a veteran Detective who returns to the NYPD in New York following his wife’s murder. Stabler joins the Organized Crime Task Force, led by Sergeant Ayanna Bell.
Coming to the cast, most of the leads of the first two seasons should reprise their roles. This includes Christopher Meloni, Danielle Mone Truitt, and Ainsley Seiger. Since it is a new season, we can expect to see some new faces.
Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Release Date
The latest season of Law & Order: Organized Crime premiered in September 2021 and concluded in May 2022. The series was renewed for a third season the same month, which premiered on September 22, 2022. In April 2023, the series was renewed for a fourth season, which is set to release in January 2024. However, there is no specific release date available for it.
The upcoming season is expected to have the same number of episodes as the previous seasons. The series is produced by Wolf Entertainment and Universal Television.
Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Trailer
The developers have not released a trailer for Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 so far. Until it comes out, you can check the promo of Season 2 below: