The fourth instalment in the reality television show of the same name, “Love & Hip Hop Miami” chronicles the lives of several people in the Miami area involved with hip hop music. The show features appearances from notable figures associated with Southern hip hop, as well as Latin music and reggaeton.
Career and relationship obstacles create a bumpy path to stardom for veterans and newcomers alike. As bold, edgy, gorgeous, and diverse as the city it’s set in, meet the movers and shakers turning up the heat if they want to make it in the 305.
The original cast consisted of Trina, Trick Daddy, Gunplay, Afro-Latina singer Amara La Negra, Cuban-Venezuelan rapper Veronica Vega, openly gay rapper Bobby Lytes, socialite and party promoter Prince, and Flavor of Love‘s Shay Johnson and is executive produced by Mona Scott-Young, Stephanie R. Gayle, Lashan Browning, Donna Edge-Rachell, Paris Bauldwin, Daniel Wiener, Brian Schornak, Eric Cyphers, Markus Burns, Sitarah Pendelton, and Phakiso Collins.
N.O.R.E., Ace Hood and Florence El Luche will join Trina, Trick Daddy, Sukihana and more in the hottest area code in this all-new season. Relationships, careers, and reputations are put to test when the season begins on Monday, August 23, 2021, on VH1.