The superhero drama series Raising Dion was a surprise hit and the Netflix’s biggest debut of the year after its release in October 2019. The Netflix original show is based on the comic book series going by the same name created by Dennis Liu. The comic was initially adapted to a film in 2015 and comprehending its success, Netflix in 2017 decided to bring out its own version of Raising Dion as a web series. After seeing the success of the Netflix adaption as well, the show was renewed on 2nd January this year, which stands among the few good things that happened this year.
Release Date
The renewed season of Raising Dion is currently under the pre-production phase and is expected to begin its production in early July as soon as the lockdown restrictions have been lifted. Season 2 will be also filmed in Atlanta, Georgia, just like the first season. Assuming that production resumes in July, Raising Dion can return to Netflix at the beginning of 2021.
All the major characters from the first season are expected to return for the next run, which includes Ja’Siah Young as Dion, Alisha Wainwright as Nicole, Sammi Haney as Esperanza, Ali Ahn as Suzanne and Jazmyn Simon as Auntie Kat. Jacqueline Cureton will join the rest of the cast for season 2.
Sammi Haney told how eager she is to reprise her role in Raising Dion to San Antonio Express-News, “It’s actually really exciting. I can’t wait to do it, and acting is actually very fun. She doesn’t lead with the chair. She lights up the screen and makes you fall in love with Esperanza.”
The debut season ended with a jaw-dropping cliffhanger. Dion needs to figure out how to bring his father home for good while battling the enemies that see him as a threat to their existence. The show has the potential to run for cool five seasons showing how Dion becomes an adult responsible superhero learning and growing from the obstacles that befall his path.
Let’s hope the pandemic or no other mishaps delay Dion’s return with a new season to Netflix.