Developed by Nick Santora, Reacher is an American crime thriller streaming television series. It is based on the Jack Reacher book series by Lee Child. Santora is also the executive producer of the show along with Lee Child, Scott Sullivan, Don Granger, Christopher McQuarrie, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Marcy Ross.
The first season is based on Killing Floor, Child’s 1997 debut novel, which was released on February 4, 2022. The show received positive reviews from critics and holds a 90% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Considering that, a second season has been ordered, which will be based on Bad Luck and Trouble.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Reacher Plot and Cast
Reacher Season 1 followed Jack’s search for whoever killed his brother, and by the end of the final episode, the case is pretty much wrapped up. With that mystery solved, Reacher decides to part ways with Margrave in search of something new, despite Roscoe’s hope to the contrary. “If you wander back, give me a call,” she says before handing Reacher a chocolate wrapper with her number written across it.
After he says his goodbyes, Reacher buries a medal in his brother’s resting place. And then, wiping away his tears, he begins to hitchhike onto pastures new. Season 1 was based on the first Jack Reacher book, Killing Floor, and it’s now been announced that the second season will be jumping ahead quite a bit – to book number 11, entitled Bad Luck and Trouble.
The lead cast members of Season 1 are expected to reprise their roles. This includes Alan Ritchson, Willa Fitzgerald, Chris Webster and Maria Sten.
Reacher Season 2 Release Date
Amazon Prime Video officially announced a renewal for Reacher just three days after season one’s launch, but we’re still waiting for a confirmed release date.
We know, thanks to a recent update from main man Ritchson, that “filming will commence this fall”, so we would expect new episodes to likely arrive by early 2023 or perhaps summer 2023.
Reacher Season 2 Trailer
There is not trailer available for Reacher Season 2. For now, you can watch the trailer of Season 1 below:
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.