Red Dot is a Swedish action thriller set in the Swedish mountains and follows David and Nadja, a couple in their late twenties, who’ve been struggling with their marriage. When Nadja becomes pregnant they make an attempt to rekindle their relationship and decide to travel to the magnificent expanses in the north of Sweden for a ski hike. But after what started as a quarrel with two local hunters, their romantic trip slowly turns into a nightmare. Soon, a red laser dot appears in their tent and they are quickly forced to flee into the cold, unforgiving wilderness. Totally isolated in the mountains, they are now being pursued by reckless shooters. Meanwhile, during this sadistic hunt, the couple’s past also comes back to haunt them.
Official Release Date of Red Dot
The wait is over. Here is a good news for all of you! Red Dot premieres on 11 February 2021! Save the date.
We will be seeing Johannes Kuhnke as Einar, Nanna Blondell as Nadja, and Anastasios Soulis as David. Also, Kalled Mustonen as Jarmo, Tomas Bergström as Rolle, and many others will be there too!
So, how many days left until 11 February 2021? Excited?