Directed by Joshua Rofé, “Sasquatch” is a true-crime doc series following investigative journalist David Holthouse as he attempts to solve a bizarre twenty-five-year-old triple homicide that was said to be the work of a mythical creature and premiered on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, on Hulu.
Rofé told Deadline, which broke the news of the series in January, that after he finished Lorena, the Amazon docuseries about Lorena Bobbitt, the woman who famously cut off her husband’s penis, he was looking for a story that was hard to search for, which led him to Sasquatch. Naturally.
“I was feeling so relieved that we were getting so much amazing archival footage [on Lorena], which is a gamechanger when you’re making a doc and you know you’ll be able to represent it visually and capture a time and a place. My weird thought was, what if next time you had a story that you couldn’t even Google. What would that be like? That scared the s**t out of me and got me really excited – if I found a story that I wanted to tell that you couldn’t google, as hard as that would be, I know I’d be on to something,” he said.
Where can I watch “Sasquatch”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Hulu (free trial).