Made for Apple TV+, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series which is directed by Ben Stiller. The plot of the series is based on a technology corporation, Lumon Industries using a “severance” medical procedure to separate the non-work memories of some of their employees from their work memories.
Stiller is also the executive producer along with Jackie Cohn, Mark Friedman, Dan Erickson, Andrew Colville, Nicholas Weinstock, John Cameron, and Chris Black. The series received a positive response from audiences and critics and even on Rotten Tomatoes it currently holds an approval rating of 98%.
So, when is the second season released? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Severance Plot and Cast
Lumon Industries is a biotechnology corporation and it has adopted a medical procedure known as severance to control the employees’ consciousness while they are working and when they are not. One of the employees, Mark discovers a plot of conspiracy.
Coming to the cast, the leads of the first season are expected to play their roles. This includes Adam Scott, Britt Lower, Jen Tullock, Tramell Tillman, Zach Cherry, Dichen Lachman, Michael Chernus, Patricia Arquette, Christopher Walken, and John Turturro. We can expect to see some new faces since it is a new season.
Severance Season 2 Release Date
The makers have renewed Severance for a second season on April 6, 2022. Filing for the second season started on October 3, 2022, in New York City, and will be ended on May 12, 2023.
Since the filming for the new season is yet to be concluded so, there is no release date available for Severance Season 2. We hope that the new season of Severance will also have the same number of episodes as season 1.
Severance Season 2 Trailer
The maker has not released the official trailer of Severance Season 2 so far. Until it comes out, you can watch the trailer for Season 1 which is also available on YouTube. Check it below:
A resident of Guwahati, Assam.
Assamese from words and a true Indian from the heart.
My dream and aim is to make India a discrimination-free country. Peace can be achieved only and if we treat everyone equally.
Respect the Indian Constitution.
Abide by the Article 14 of the Indian Constitution.
Say "No" to discrimination.