Produced by Monster Agency Productions, Striker Entertainment, and Taurus Entertainment Company, Creepshow is a horror anthology television series. It is a continuation of the 1982 film...
Created by William Bridges and Brett Goldstein, Soulmates is an American science fiction television anthology series. Bridges and Goldstein also served as Executive producers of the...
Created by Aaron Martin, Slasher is an anthology horror television series, made for Shudder. Martin is also the executive producer alongside Greg Phillips, Jonathan Ford, Christina...
Produced by Monster Agency Productions, Striker Entertainment and Taurus Entertainment Company, Creepshow is a horror anthology television series. It is a continuation of the 1982 film...
Created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, American Horror Story is an American anthology horror television series, made for the cable network FX. Murphy and Falchuk...
Created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, American Horror Story is an American anthology horror television series, made for the cable network FX. Murphy and Falchuk...
Developed by Noah Pink, Ken Biller and Suzan-Lori Parks, Genius is an anthology period drama series, made for Disney+. The first two seasons were distributed by...
Created by Nichelle Tramble Spellman, Truth Be Told is an American drama streaming television series. It is based on the novel Are You Sleeping by Kathleen...