Created by David Jenkins, Our Flag Means Death is a period romantic comedy series made for HBO Max. Jenkins is also the executive producer alongside Garrett...
Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison, and Simon Blackwell, Breeders is a dark comedy television series. Freeman is also an executive producer of the show along...
Created by Jemaine Clement, What We Do in the Shadows is an American mockumentary comedy horror television series that premiered on March 27, 2019, on FX....
Created by Chris Estrada, Pat Bishop, Matt Ingebretson, and Jake Weisman, This Fool is an American comedy television series. The executive producers of the show include...
Created by Issa Rae, Rap Sh!t is an upcoming American comedy streaming television series. The show is produced by Hooray Productions and 3 Arts Entertainment and...
Created by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs and Jen Statsky, Hacks is an American comedy-drama streaming television series. the series centers on the professional relationship between...
Created by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs and Jen Statsky, Hacks is an American comedy-drama streaming television series. the series centers on the professional relationship between...
American comedy television series, Mythic Quest was created for Apple TV+ by Charlie Day, Rob McElhenney, and Megan Ganz. The series debuted on February 7, 2020....
American comedy-drama television series, Physical is created by Annie Weisman. It debuted on June 18, 2021, on apple TV+. Weisman is also the executive producer of...
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Same… or Not is a comedy-drama series made for Disney+. The show is written by...