Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison, and Simon Blackwell, Breeders is a dark comedy television series. Freeman is also an executive producer of the show along...
Created by Liz Feldman, Dead to Me is an American dark comedy streaming television series. The series premiered on May 3, 2019, on Netflix. The first...
Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison, and Simon Blackwell, Breeders is a dark comedy television series. Freeman is also an executive producer of the show along...
Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison, and Simon Blackwell, Breeders is a dark comedy television series. Freeman is also an executive producer of the show along...
Created by Valerie Armstrong, Kevin Can F**k Himself, the American dark comedy, is returning with a second season which is also going to be the final...
Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison, and Simon Blackwell, Breeders is a dark comedy television series. Freeman is also an executive producer of the show along...
Created by Lucy Prebble and Billie Piper, I Hate Suzie is a dark comedy drama series produced by Bad Wolf in association with Sky Studios. Lucy...
Created by Marc Cherry, Why Women Kill is an American dark comedy-drama anthology television series. The show is set in multiple periods, and it depicts the...
Created by Valerie Armstrong, Kevin Can F**k Himself is an American dark comedy television series. Armstrong also served as executive producer along with Rashida Jones, Will...
Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison and Simon Blackwell, Breeders is a parental dark-comedy television series. Freeman, Addison and Blackwell are also the executive producers alongside...