Created by RZA and Alex Tse, Wu-Tang: An American Saga is an American drama-streaming television series. The show premiered on September 4, 2019, on Hulu. In...
Created by Brian Koppelman and David Levien, Super Pumped is an American anthology drama television series. It was based on the book Super Pumped: The Battle...
Developed by Sheryl J. Anderson, Sweet Magnolias is an American romantic drama streaming television series. It is based on the Sweet Magnolias novels by Sherryl Woods....
Created by Adam F. Goldberg and broadcast on ABC, The Goldbergs is an American television sitcom. The series is set in the 1980s and follows the...
Created by Alexi Hawley, The Rookie is an American police procedural television series. The series follows John Nolan, a man in his forties, who becomes the...
Inspired by the 1988 series of the same title, The Wonder Years is an American coming-of-age comedy television series. It is developed by Saladin K. Patterson...
Created by Dick Wolf, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is an American crime drama television series. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit follows the original...
Based on Slow Horses by Mick Herron, Slow Horses is a spy thriller series, made for Apple TV+. Iain Canning, Hakan Kousetta, Jamie Laurenson, Gail Mutrux,...
Written by Morwenna Banks, Will Smith, Jonny Stockwood, and Mark Denton, Slow Horses is a spy thriller television series based on the 2010 novel of the...
Created by John Singleton, Eric Amadio, and Dave Andron, Snowfall is an American crime drama television series. Set in Los Angeles in 1983, the series revolves...