Created for Apple TV+ by Akiva Goldsman, The Crowded Room is an upcoming drama anthology television series. It is inspired by the novel The Minds of...
Created by Scott Z. Burns, Extrapolations is an upcoming American anthology drama series. The executive producers of the show are Scott Z. Burns, Michael Ellenberg, Dorothy...
Created by Brian Koppelman and David Levien, Super Pumped is an American anthology drama television series. It was based on the book Super Pumped: The Battle...
Created by William Bridges and Brett Goldstein, Soulmates is an American science fiction television anthology series. Bridges and Goldstein also served as Executive producers of the...
Produced by Monster Agency Productions, Striker Entertainment and Taurus Entertainment Company, Creepshow is a horror anthology television series. It is a continuation of the 1982 film...
Created by Irv Gotti, Tales is an American drama anthology television series. Gotti is also the executive producer of the show alongside Ron Robinson and Robert...
Created by Simon Rich, Miracle Workers is an anthology comedy series, made for TBS. Rich is also the executive producer alongside Lorne Michaels, Andrew Singer, Daniel...
Developed by Noah Pink and Kenneth Biller, Genius is an anthology period drama series, made for National Geographic. The series is produced by William M. Connor,...
Created by William Bridges and Brett Goldstein, Soulmates is an American science fiction television anthology series. Bridges and Goldstein also served as Executive producers of the...
Directed by the creator Scott Z. Burns for Apple TV+, Extrapolations is an upcoming American anthology drama series. It is an anthology series that depicts the...