The popular teen drama by Netflix, ‘The Society’ is due for its second installment. For the relief of fans, they must be informed that Netflix has...
Another Zombie apocalypse is waiting for revival. This time the zombies are against a dedicated and tenacious mother Rose who can go to any limits to...
Netflix is ready to launch its one of a kind-true crime docuseries ‘Trial By Media’. This series will focus on how media may have impacted many...
Riverdale is that one show for which fans are going crazy for the next episode to release. So here it is back with its ruled out....
Page-to-screen romance web series Virgin River, based on Robyn Carr’s novel, first premiered on 6 December, 2019 on Netflix with 10 episodes, is coming back with...
Netflix’s recently most viewed and popular web series Lacasa de Papel or Money Heist, just got over with the fourth season, leaving the plot at suspense....
Lucifer is TV series that featured on the FOX network but was taken over by Netflix. It is based on the comic series going by the...
It was in November 2018, fans of The Last Kingdom Season 3 finished all episodes and started asking for more. Only after 17 months of wait,...
The Netflix original series The Society is all set for the next season but with the sheer bad luck, the post-production of the second season gets...
Netflix has decided to renew the tale show for its renewal of season 3. So, where will our detective Carmen go next? Carmen Sandiego is a...