Created by Hannah Carroll Chapman, Heartbreak High is an Australian comedy-drama streaming television series created for Netflix. It is a reboot of the 1994 series first...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It premiered on Netflix on...
Created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, Elite is a thriller teen drama series produced for Netflix. It features an ensemble cast and most of them...
Heartstopper is a British coming-of-age romantic comedy streaming television series which is written by Alice Oseman. It is adapted from the webcomic and graphic novel of...
Developed by Gambit Films for Netflix, Blood & Water is a South African teen crime drama television series. The series follows a girl who transfers to...
Developed by Melanie Halsall, My Life with the Walter Boys is an American coming-of-age teen drama television series. It is an adaptation of Ali Novak’s 2014...
Created by Hannah Carroll Chapman, Heartbreak High is an Australian comedy-drama streaming television series created for Netflix. It is a reboot of the 1994 series first...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It premiered on Netflix on...
Created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, Elite is a thriller teen drama series produced for Netflix. It features an ensemble cast and most of them...
Created by Hannah Carroll Chapman, Heartbreak High is an Australian comedy-drama streaming television series created for Netflix. It is a reboot of the 1994 series first...