LEGACIES 3: A spin-off of “The Originals”, and created by Julie Plec, “Legacies” is an American fantasy drama television series that follows Danielle Rose Russell as...
The Vampire Diaries’ stars, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley have reunited to do give a tribute to their characters of the popular supernatural series, The Vampire...
Created by Julie Plec, Legacies is an American fantasy drama series. It is the second spin-off of the popular The Vampire Diaries. The show features characters from both that...
‘The Vampire Diaries’ bided goodbye to its fans in 2017. And since then fans couldn’t accept it has finally over. The show had been originally adapted...
No, sadly enough, there’s no development on 9th Season of The Vampire Diaries. We can understand the unrest caused by the cancellation of the show among...