Created for HBO Max by Steve Dildarian, Ten Year Old Tom is an American adult animated sitcom. The series is about an average kid who must contend with the well-meaning but questionable guidance of the adults around him.
Dildarian is also the executive producer alongside Nick Weidenfeld, Monica Mitchell, Robert Cohen, Marty Adelstein, and many others. The first season of the series premiered on July 1, 2022, and the series was later renewed for a second season.
So, when is the second season released? What is the plot? Who will come back to play their roles? Continue reading to know more.
Ten Year Old Tom Plot and Cast
According to Deadline, created, produced, directed, and written by The Life and Times of Tim‘s Dildarian, Ten Year Old Tom follows the misadventures of an average kid as he contends with questionable guidance from the well-meaning grownups around him.
Being a kid is hard enough for Tom, but when bad influences seem to lurk around every corner – from litigious parents and drug-dealing bus drivers to school administrators who want to sleep with his mom – it’s downright impossible. While the adults in Tom’s life certainly mean well, they just can’t manage to lead by example.
As of July 5, 2022, the original cast from Ten Year Old Tom Season 1 is expected to reprise their roles. On the other hand, no additional casting announcements had been made by the network as the first season is still premiering.
The main characters include Steve Dildarian as Tom, Byron Bowers as Nelson, Edi Patterson as Tom’s Mom, Todd Glass as the Principal, Ben Rodgers as Bus Driver, and others. The recurring cast of the series includes David Duchovny as Ice Cream Man, Paul Rust as Randy, Jennifer Coolidge as Dakota’s Mom, Jessica McKenna as Mrs. Band / various, and Mitra Jouhari as Nurse Denise.
Ten Year Old Tom Season 2 Release Date
HBO Max has not yet confirmed the exact release date of Ten Year Old Tom Season 2. It is confirmed that the filming of season two has already started so the viewers are hopeful that they will get to watch the next season soon.
However, based on the pattern of the season one release dates, we may anticipate that the premiere date for the second season would be sometime around late 2022 or probably sometime in or around September.
Ten Year Old Tom Season 2 Trailer
There is no trailer available for Ten Year Old Tom Season 2 yet, For now, you can watch the trailer from Season 1 below: