Created, directed, and produced by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K, with dialogue penned by Sumit Arora and Suman Kumar, “The Family Man”is an Indian action thriller streaming television series featuring Manoj Bajpayee as Srikant Tiwari, a middle-class man secretly working as an intelligence officer for the Threat Analysis and Surveillance Cell (TASC), a fictitious branch of the National Investigation Agency, the first season of which was released on September 20, 2019.
Starring Priyamani, Sharad Kelkar, Neeraj Madhav, Sharib Hashmi, Dalip Tahil, Sunny Hinduja, Shreya Dhanwanthary, and Samantha Akkineni, the second season premiered on Friday, June 4, 2021, on Amazon Prime.
Srikant Tiwari has started a new life as an IT employee, but he can’t stay away from an adventure when JK is sent to Chennai to nab a former foreign insurgent. Chennai TASC agents, Muthu, and JK are faced with a hostage situation in Chennai. Also, Dhriti may have a boyfriend.
Manoj Bajpayee, in his interview with, expressed, “They have created such a fantastic creative piece with season one, and the second season is uninfluenced and unimpacted by the success of the first season because we already shot the first schedule by the time the first edition was out.”
He added, “The family has moved on, Srikant has moved on and he has new challenges on work front and I am restlessly curious to know how people are going to receive Srikant in these new circumstances, how they will welcome this explosive character like Samantha’s. That way, I am assured we have a great product in hand.”
Where can I watch “The Family Man”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.