The Good Doctor is an American medical drama television series developed by David Shore. It is based on the 2013 South Korean series of the same name. The show’s executive producers are David Shore, Seth Gordon, Daniel Dae Kim, Erin Gunn, David Kim, Sebastian Lee, Mike Listo, Thomas L. Moran, Freddie Highmore, David Hoselton, Liz Friedman, and Peter Blake.
The series debuted on September 25, 2017, and ran for six seasons till 2022. ABC renewed the series for a seventh season on April 19, 2023, which will be released soon.
So, when is the seventh season released? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
The Good Doctor Plot and Cast
The hints about the things that would be explored in the seventh season will be dependent on how the sixth season ended. Towards the end of Season 6, Danny planned to leave the hospital and return to his family to put more emphasis on his sobriety.
Dr. Reznick and Dr. Park plan to support each other while raising baby Eden and Dr. Harper also resigns over his association with a nurse and their aim to unionize. Apart from all these, the show might be continued with the medical cases being featured.
Many members of the main cast of “The Good Doctor” are expected to return for Season 6. This includes Freddie Highmore as the show’s main character, Dr. Shaun Murphy, as well as Hill Harper as Dr. Marcus Andrews, Richard Schiff as Dr. Aaron Glassman, Will Yun Lee as Dr. Alex Park, and Paige Spara as Lea Dilallo.
The Good Doctor Season 7 Release Date
ABC renewed the series for a seventh season on April 19, 2023, and confirmed that the new season will be released on February 20, 2024. Season 6 of The Good Doctor was released on October 3, 2022, and ended on May 1, 2023.
The first season of the series was released on September 25, 2017, and ended on March 26, 2018. It is not confirmed yet how many episodes will Season 7 have, once it is confirmed we will update it here.
The Good Doctor Season 7 Trailer
There is no trailer available or The Good Doctor Season 7 yet. For now, you can watch the trailer from the previous season below: