The Great Christmas Light Fight is an American reality television competition show that premiered on December 9, 2013, on ABC. The series is traditionally scheduled in a double-run of two hour-long episodes, all airing Mondays in the first three weeks of December annually as part of ABC’s seasonal programming lineup.
On December 10, 2020, the series was renewed for a ninth season which premiered on November 28, 2021. On October 24, 2022, the series was renewed for an eleventh season.
So, when is the 11th Season releasing? What is the plot? Who will be in the cast? Keep reading to know further details about the upcoming season.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 11 Format
Each episode of The Great Christmas Light Fight features a series of families or groups that create elaborate Christmas light displays. The contestants are chosen in advance by producers. The displays are judged on three categories: use of lights, overall design, and Christmas spirit.
Each display is first individually featured, then the judge or judges review the display and its specific details. Once all contestants have been reviewed, a winner is chosen, and the judges return to the winner to congratulate them. The winner of each week’s episode wins $50,000 and a holiday-themed trophy.
Since the series is a competition reality show the judges of the series include Michael Moloney, Sabrina Soto, Taniya Nayak, and Carter Oosterhouse.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 11 Release Date
On October 28, 2021, the series was renewed for a tenth season, which premiered on November 28, 2022. On October 24, 2022, the series was renewed for an eleventh season, however they have not revealed any specific release date for the upcoming season so far.
The upcoming season might have 6 to 7 episodes like the previous series, although an official announcement is yet to confirm.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 11 Trailer
The trailer for Season 11 has not been released yet. Check out a glimpse of the show below: