Created by Joss Whedon and produced by HBO and Mutant Enemy Productions with executive producers including Whedon, Philippa Goslett, Doug Petrie, Jane Espenson, Ilene S. Landress, and Bernadette Caulfield, “The Nevers”is an American science fiction drama television series that premiered on Sunday, April 11, 2021, at 9 P.M ET on HBO.
August 1896. Victorian London is rocked to its foundations by a supernatural event that gives certain people — mostly women — abnormal abilities, from the wondrous to the disturbing. But no matter their particular “turns,” all who belong to this new underclass are in grave danger. It falls to mysterious, quick-fisted widow Amalia True (Laura Donnelly) and brilliant young inventor Penance Adair (Ann Skelly) to protect and shelter these gifted “orphans.” To do so, they will have to face the brutal forces determined to annihilate their kind.
The protagonists of The Nevers are residents of an orphanage that’s become a kind of safe haven from this scrutiny, overseen by Lavinia Bidlow (Olivia Williams), a wealthy benefactor in a wheelchair. Or, to restate this paragraph in fewer words: Victorian Lady X-Men.
Where can I watch “The Nevers”?
Exclusively available on HBO Max, and Disney+, you can also stream on Crave, Binge, Sky TV depending on the region you reside in, and Amazon Prime Video (cancel anytime).