Created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine, The Old Man is an American drama thriller television series. It is based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Thomas Perry. The executive producers of the show are Jonathan E. Steinberg, Dan Shotz, Warren Littlefield, Robert Levine, Jon Watts, Jeff Bridges and David Schiff.
The first season of the show premiered on FX on June 16, 2022. The first season consists of seven episodes. Following its premiere, the series was renewed for a second season.
So, when the upcoming season is releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
The Old Man Plot and Cast
Season 2 will most likely deal with the aftermath of Chase and Harper’s mission to save Emily, and get to Faraz Hamzad. Zoe is still one of his biggest support systems. In the previous episode, Chase’s mission to get close to Faraz Hamzad leads him to reunite with Harper and save his daughter.
The biggest reveal is Morgan Bote being the old man, thereby giving the massive twist that no one saw coming. He was always the man calling the shots and pulling the strings. Safe to say that Chase and Harper were practically puppets with Zoe (Amy Brenneman) and Emily (Alia Shawkat) looked at as collateral.
Expect the main characters to return for Season 2. John Lithgow as Harold Harper, Bridges as Dan Chase, and Amy Brenneman as Zoe McDonald will all reprise their roles. It also remains to be seen whether Alia Shawkat returns for Season 2 considering her character’s in deep waters. As for the rest of the cast, it depends on the storylines Season 2 takes. The same applies to Leem Lubany as Young Abbey Chase / Belour, and E. J. Bonilla’s Raymond Waters.
The Old Man Season 2 Release Date
The series production eventually restarted production and finished filming in early 2022. Assuming the next installment will face fewer disruptions, Season 2 will likely premiere sometime in mid-to-late 2023.
For now, we can predict that the second season might consist of seven episodes like the first season. But an official confirmation is awaited.
The Old Man Season 2 Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer for the upcoming season out yet. Until it comes out, check out the trailer of the first season below:
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.