Developed by Outerloop Games, Thirsty Suitors is an upcoming adventure video game that will be published by Annapurna Interactive. The main premise of Thirsty Suitors follows Jala, a woman who arrives in Washington, which is where she was raised. She is then forced to face her former significant others. The release date of Thirsty Suitor is approaching.
Let’s check the release date, trailer, and everything else that we know so far about the upcoming game.
Thirsty Suitors: Release Date
Thirsty Suitors is a very unique game that will be released on November 2, 2023. The game is going to be released for multiple platforms including PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S (Game Pass!), Xbox One, PC, and Switch.
Thirsty Suitors: Trailer
The official trailer has not arrived yet. Until then you can check out the release date trailer below:
Thirsty Suitors: Gameplay
The developers of Thirsty Suitors have not revealed much about the gameplay. However, an early gameplay in 2022 disclosed a few things, although it remains unknown if things will remain the same. The name of the lead character is Jala who returns to her residence in Timber Hills but she does not know that six of her exes are waiting to take revenge on her.
Co-founder of Outerloop Games Chandana Ekanayake revealed at the time that the game will include a lot of action and adventurous elements in the backdrop of relationships. She added that Jala suffers a lot due to a breakup and goes on a reconciliation tour, where she tries to make things normal and learn more about herself.
The first look of the game revealed that Jala was grinding rails on her skateboard and was performing a la Sayonara Wild Hearts. She starts skating and she is spotted doing a few tricks until she is stopped by the tall figures of her parents but she refuses to return home. She gets involved in multiple activities, including exploring of the town, cooking, skating, and fighting her exes.
Music composer Ramsey Kharroubi has worked on the tunes added to the game. While the game progresses and Jala makes her choices, it will build a character class known as Thirstsona. Players can spend more time in any activity of their choice and a team of 15 people is involved in the game’s development.
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