Hosted by Emmy Award-winning producer Phil Keoghan, produced by Raquel Productions Inc. in association with Tough House Productions Inc. Phil Keoghan, Louise Keoghan, and Anthony Carbone are executive producers, and featuring contestants competing in challenges at job sites to test their toughness, “Tough as Nails” is an American reality competition series that premiered on July 8, 2020, on CBS.
Real-life individuals in physically demanding jobs compete against each other in a series of challenges that test their strength, endurance, and mental toughness.
The latest season of the show made its debut on Wednesday, February 8, 2021, at 8 P.M, on CBS.
The series is a competition series that celebrates everyday Americans who roll up their sleeves and don’t think twice about working long hard hours and getting their hands dirty, in order to keep their country running. Competitors who consider the calluses on their hands a badge of honor will be tested for their strength, endurance, life skills, and, most importantly, mental toughness in challenges that take place at real-world job sites.
Where can I stream the “Tough as nails”?
The show is available on CBS, and Globaltv, and on subscription services Hulu, Prime Video and YouTube (Free Trial).