Produced by A. Smith & Co., “Welcome To Plathville” is an American television reality show that follows a family of nine flaxen-haired children who has never had a soda, don’t know who Spiderman or Tom Brady is and have never watched TV, living remotely in rural Georgia with their “follow their own rules” parents Kim and Barry Plath.
The show follows the Plath family: Ethan, Micah, Moriah, Lydia, their four siblings, as well as their parents, Barry and Kim. The oldest daughter, Hosanna Plath, is not featured in the show. Hoping to instill their traditional values and beliefs upon their children, Barry and Kim chose to raise their children on a 55-acre farm in Cairo, Georgia and have largely abstained from modern entertainment and technology.
The show also explores the lives of the older Plath children, as well as Ethan’s wife, Olivia, and their interactions with their conservative parents. During the first season, all the single children live at home. In the second season, Micah and Moriah live in a rental home, and Ethan and Olivia disconnect with Kim and Barry completely, cutting ties with the children who still live at home, as well.
The Third Season will premiere on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, on TLC.
“This season, the older kids are still on their own journey to self-discovery but while some Plaths want to make amends with their parents and continue to see their siblings, that’s not the case for everyone,” TLC explains in a release. “Tensions continue to rise, marriages are tested and new love is blossoming in this all-new season.”
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