From the creative mind of Actor, Writer, and Producer, Tony Hale, “Archibald’s Next Big Thing Is Here” is an American animated comedy streaming television series that follows the adventures of Archibald Strutter, a simple chicken who ‘yes-ands’ his way thru life. Though living in the moment often leads him astray, Archibald always finds his way back home, to an egg-shaped house in the center of Crackridge he shares with his three siblings, Sage, Finly, and Loy, and his trusty sidekick, Bea, and made its debut on September 6, 2019 on Netflix and moved to Peacock as a rebrand on January 26, 2021.
The latest season premiered on Thursday, April 22, 2021, on Peacock.
“We decided, with these new episodes, to really lean into the weird and really dive in headfirst,” explains returning executive producer Eric Fogel. “You’re going to see a lot more genre-specific episodes and more fantastical adventures.”
From shrink rays and body-switching to encounters with stone-age-minded cave chickens and adventuring through board games, Archibald’s Next Big Thing Is Here takes stories inspired by Hale’s 2014 children’s book and shifts into overdrive with what the show does best: slapstick silliness with sprinkles of fond familial messages.
Where can I watch “Archibald’s Next Big Thing Is Here”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Peacock, and Netflix.