From executive producer Will Packer, “Bigger” is an American comedy television series that follows Layne, a single-black-woman and her close-knit group of 30-somethings as they navigate love, friendships, career ambitions, and the journey to getting BIGGER, together. When a college acquaintance suddenly dies, the group is forced to take a deeper look at their messy lives, while asking themselves— is this it or is there something bigger and better?
The show made its debut on February 18, 2020 on BET+.
The latest season premiered on Thursday, April 22, 2021, on BET+.
“I’m so proud of this show! And I can’t wait for new audiences to follow the shenanigans of this wild and crazy group of Black 30-somethings. Buckle up for Season 2,” said Packer.
“We are excited and proud to bring the Bigger squad back for another run. Will and Felischa have been tremendous partners and we can’t wait to dive deeper into the hilarious and complicated lives of Layne and her group of friends” said Devin Griffin, General Manager, BET+.
“Our commitment to premium content continues with this series. Fans embraced the show in a big way because it’s a real and fresh look at life as a 30-something, and it provides a new way for Black viewers to see themselves in original Black stories on screen.”
Where can I watch “Bigger”?
Exclusively available for streaming on BET+ and you can also watch it on Amazon Prime (cancel anytime).