Gangs Of London, the British action-crime drama series was aired in the UK on April 23, 2020. The nine-episode series became Sky Atlantic’s biggest original drama...
Henry Cavill is not ready to give up Superman yet! Cavill exited from the DCEU in 2017 because of the box office disappointment of the Justice...
Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 8 scripts have been discarded due to the Black Lives Matter protests. Actor Terry Crews(plays Terry Jeffords) stated that creator Dan Goor and...
Joel Schumacher died recently of cancer, after fighting it for nearly a year. Stars in the industry remember the ‘Batman & Robin’ director with stories of...
Cobra Kai, the spinoff of The Karate Kid moves to a new home. The action-comedy series shifts from YouTube Premium to Netflix! The streaming giant acquired...
Netflix has obtained sequel rights to Chicken Run 2 and it’s coming soon! It has been 20 years since Aardman’s Chicken Run released. Fans have waited...
The Internet is still in love with Steven Spielberg‘s thriller. Fans made a remake of Jaws to celebrate its 45th Anniversary in the lockdown. This thriller...
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels is a dark fantasy television series. It is a spin-off to Penny Dreadful. The spin-off is created by John Logan for...
If you are looking for some crazy entertainment, Labor Of Love is a perfect choice! This is a dating game show which started airing on Fox on...
10-Year-Old-Tom, an adult animated comedy gets the green signal from HBO Max! This series is created by Steve Dildarian and animation old-timer Nick Weidenfield. The comedy...