Created by Shonda Rhimes, Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama television series, produced for ABC. Rhimes is also the executive producer alongside Allan Heinberg, Andy Reaser, Betsy Beers, Debbie Allen, James D. Parriott, Jeannie Renshaw, Jeff Rafner, and others.
The first season premiered on March 27, 2005, and it was followed by 17 more seasons. It is the longest-running scripted primetime show airing on ABC and the longest-scripted primetime series carried by ABC.
So, when is Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 releasing? What is the plot? Who would return to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Release Date
The makers have renewed the show for season 20 and announced that the new season will be released next year. Recently the makers have officially confirmed that the new season will return on March 14, 2024.
The 19th season was renewed On January 10, 2022. Season 19 of Grey’s Anatomy was released on October 6, 2022, and will be concluded on May 18, 2023.
Grey’s Anatomy Plot and Cast
There is a lot of things to be explored in the 19th season but with some new interns, there will be a lot to learn and grow like their predecessors. There is supposed to be a lot of drama and people should also prepare themselves for the disasters that are supposed to happen. But Gret Sloan will possibly get affected by a catastrophe.
A couple of regulars have already been confirmed for Grey’s Anatomy season 20, including Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey, James Pickens Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber, and Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey. We would also expect the following to return: Kelly McCreary as Dr. Maggie Pierce, Caterina Scorsone as Dr. Amelia Shepherd, Camilla Luddington as Dr. Jo Wilson, Jake Borelli as Dr. Levi Schmitt, Chris Carmack as Link, Anthony Hill as Dr. Winston Ndugu.
Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Trailer
The trailer of Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 has not been released yet since the release date of the new season is not announced. You can watch the trailer from Season 19 below: