Created by Michael Colton and John Aboud, and also serving as executive producers alongside Topher Grace and Eric and Kim Tannenbaum of The Tannenbaum Company, whose Jason Wang will co-executive produce, “Home Economics” is an American comedy television series that debuted on Wednesday, April 7, 8 P.M ET on ABC.
Starring Topher Grace as Tom, Caitlin McGee as Sarah, Jimmy Tatro as Connor, Karla Souza as Marina, and Sasheer Zamata as Denise. Also, starring is Shiloh Bearman as Gretchen, Jordyn Curet as Shamiah, Chloe Jo Rountree as Camila, and JeCobi Swain as Kelvin.
The heartwarming yet uncomfortable relationship between three adult siblings: one in the 1%, one middle-class, and one barely holding on.
Three siblings who live near one another occupy three particular rungs of the social ladder, with Jimmy Tatro enjoying a blithe, easy sort of wealth, Caitlin McGee struggling to keep her family afloat, and Topher Grace somewhere in the middle. Tatro brings a sort of benevolent arrogance to the role. Connor has what his siblings want, and plenty of unpleasant character traits to boot, and yet Tatro’s puppyish energy makes the role spark. Grace — playing a novelist dependent on his siblings for material — tends towards a sort of cerebral watchfulness that works well.
Where can I stream “Home Economics”?
Exclusively available for streaming on, and app. You can also watch on Hulu (Free Trial).