Inspired by the life of Erin Brockovich, and created by Krista Vernoff, “Rebel” is an American drama television series that follows Annie “Rebel” Bello (Katey Sagal), who doesn’t take no for an answer when it comes to helping her clients. But while she’s like a bull in a china shop when it comes to bringing her clients justice, her personal life is up in the air and premiered on Thursday, April 8, 2021, at 10 P.M ET on ABC.
One of her (Annie) daughters, Ziggy (Ariela Barer), is recovering from substance abuse and is dedicated to her mother’s cause. Another daughter, attorney Cassidy (Lex Scott Davis), resents her mother for being more focused on her work than on motherhood and is being groomed by her father Benji (James Lesure) to work for him at his law firm defending the same corporations’ Rebel fights against. Rebel’s son Nathaniel (Kevin Zegers), is an OBGYN who also helps his mother while trying to keep her from guilt-tripping him.
Where can I stream “Rebel”?
Exclusively available for streaming on, and the app, you can also watch it on FuboTV (7-day free trial) and on Hulu + Live TV (free trial, regional restrictions apply).