DC’s Legend of Tomorrow is an American superhero TV series created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, and Phil Kemmer. The series are based on the characters from DC Comics, and it airs on The CW network, follows the story of Rip Hunter, a time traveler who comes to know of Vandal Savage’s plan to destroy Earth and time, and he assembles superheroes to save the world and thwart Savage’s plan. The first season of the series was premiered on 21 January 2016, and ever since then it’s a huge hit.
Legends of Tomorrow is available on Netflix and now its fifth season is arriving really soon. Netflix has released the official release date of the fifth season of DC’s Legend of Tomorrow which is on 10 June 2020.
It was rumored that Legends of Tomorrow will leave Netflix soon, but according to source none of the series under The CW network is leaving the global streaming platforms is anytime soon, most of the series, including The Arrow-verse and Legends of Tomorrow, are licensed for a foreseeable future.
The cast of the series are as follows, Caity Lotz as Black Canary, Wentworth Willer as Capt. Cold, Brandon Routh as Atom, Tala Ashe as Zari Tomaz, Dominic Purcell as Heat Wave, Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter, Matt Ryan as John Constantine, Courtney Ford as Nora, Nick Zheno as Nathan Heywood, and others are the part of the fifth season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
The fifth season of DC’s Legend of Tomorrow will be exciting to watch as with the Crisis on Infinite Earth is releasing beforehand, it’s likely possible that some characters from Legends of Tomorrow might die, but the good news is that we might also get to see some new characters in the upcoming season. So, be ready!