“Spider-Man No Way Home” is an upcoming superhero movie featuring the Marvel comic character Spider-Man. The movie is co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios. This movie is a sequel of “Spider-Man Homecoming” which was released in 2017 and “Spider-Man far from home”, released in 2019. In this case, Sony Pictures is releasing and distributing Spider-Man no way home to the audience in 2021. Jon Watts has directed this iconic movie, while, Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers have written the story. The movie has broken the record of overseas presales in record time. The ticket booking hype caused many ticketing websites to crash. Also, many audiences chose to stand in a queue to buy the tickets offline. Spider-Man no way home is going to premiere in the UK, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Mexico, and Korea on December 17. However, the list does not include China. Should you watch this movie? is it going to be worth your time? Eager to find out more about it? Then keep reading.
Spider-Man No Way Home: Cast and the Plot!
Tom Hollard is the protagonist, Peter Parker / Spider-Man. the movie also casts, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Marisa Tomei, and other noted actors. The plot of the movie revolves around Peter Parker. The identity of Peter Parker is revealed in the previous movie. Therefore, he asks Dr. Strange to cast a spell that would erase the Revelation from the past. However, the spell goes wrong and dangerous forces from the other worlds start to attack Earth. Peter forces himself to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.
Spider-Man No Way Home: Trailers and updates!
The trailer begins with Peter Parker exclaiming “Ever since I got bit by that spider, we had one week and that’s when you found out.” Dr. Strange then reveals that the spell to protect Parker’s identity has gone wrong. The wrong spell breaks down the multiverse. Enemies from all over the world are in confusion and coming to attack.
Check out the trailer here:
The movie combines a total of 150 minutes. Which is the third-longest movie of Marvel.