The final season of CW’s The Flash came to an end recently after 9 seasons. At the same time, the first live-action solo film of the...
Based on the DC Comics character, Peacemaker is an American superhero television series that premiered on HBO Max on January 13, 2022. It is the first...
Suicide Squad was the third installment in the DC Extended Universe, after Man of Steel (2013) and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). The film was based on the DC Comics supervillain team of...
Henry Cavill is not ready to give up Superman yet! Cavill exited from the DCEU in 2017 because of the box office disappointment of the Justice...
Yes, you heard it right. It’s DC’s FanDome. A 24-hour mega immersive virtual fan experience to bring the San Diego Comic-Con at the comfort of your home...
The years 2019 and 2020 before COVID-19 had been an unusually busy period into high-profile projects for star actor Robert Pattinson. Immediately after completing Christopher Nolan’s...
Henry Cavill is returning as Superman! Is it true? And if it is, how is that happening? Is he appearing as Superman in Man of Steel 2? If not,...