Created by Katori Hall, P-Valley is an American drama television series. It is an adaptation of Hall’s play Pussy Valley which premiered on October 20, 2022....
Created by Jenny Han, The Summer I Turned Pretty is an American coming-of-age romantic drama television series. It is based on the novel of the same...
British drama television series, Noughts + Crosses is based on the Noughts & Crosses novel series by Malorie Blackman. The series has received positive reviews from...
Created by Meaghan Oppenheimer, Tell Me Lies is an American drama streaming television series. It is based on the 2018 novel of the same name by...
Created by David E. Kelley, Nine Perfect Strangers is an American drama television series based on the 2018 novel of the same name by Liane Moriarty....
Created by Kim Jee-woon, Dr. Brain is a 2021 South Korean web series. The series is based on the Korean webtoon of the same name by...
Created by Benjamin Cavell, SEAL Team is a military drama television series. Cavell is also the executive producer alongside Ed Redlich, Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly, Christopher...
Created by Robert and Michelle King, Evil is an American supernatural drama television series. The show’s executive producers are Liz Glotzer, Robert King, Michelle King, Rockne...
Created by Taylor Sheridan, Tulsa King is an American crime drama television series developed for Paramount+. The show has been executively produced by Taylor Sheridan Terence...
Created by Jay Carson, The Morning Show is an American drama television series. The series is inspired by Brian Stelter’s book Top of the Morning: Inside...