Created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, Elite is a thriller teen drama series produced for Netflix. It features an ensemble cast and most of them...
Created for Netflix by Lebogang Mogashoa, Savage Beauty is a South African drama series. It is about the mystery woman who enmeshes herself in a strong...
Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher,...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Produced for Disney+, Daredevil: Born Again is an upcoming American television miniseries that is based on the Marvel Comics character Daredevil. Executively produced by Kevin Feige,...
Created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear, 9-1-1: Lone Star is a procedural drama television series. The use of Lone Star in the name...
Created by Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, The Sex Lives of College Girls is a teen comedy-drama streaming television series. It first premiered on HBO Max...
Created by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs, and Jen Statsky, Hacks is an American comedy-drama streaming television series. the series centers on the professional relationship between...
Created by Kim Jee-woon, Dr. Brain is a 2021 South Korean web series. The series is based on the Korean webtoon of the same name by...
Created by Soo Hugh, Pachinko is an American drama series made for Apple TV+. It is based on the novel of the same name by Manhattan-based...