Created by Baptiste Filleul, Weekend Family is a French comedy television series for children and teenagers. The show is directed by Sophie Reine, Pierre-Francoid and Martin-Laval....
Hello, Readers! Prepare to kick, punch, flip, dance, jab, and split when Netflix’s action-comedy picture starring Jean-Claude Van Damme hits theatres in July. The Last Mercenary...
What is the show about? Is it worth watching? When is it releasing? Let us find out about Lupin: Release Date, Trailer and Updates! Lupin is an...
Wakfu, the french animated series produced by the Anikama animation is back again for Season 4. Made on the game “Wakfu”, the first episode aired on...
In another Netflix’s French-produced series – Mortel takes us on a journey of a group of French teenagers who are bound together by a supernatural force....
In the world of “Osmosis,” people can use technology to identify their soulmates. Read on to explore what this world has to offer. What’s the show...