Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series made for Netflix. Stuart is also the executive producer alongside Morgan O’Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila...
Created byPeter Morgan, The Crown is a historical drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Morgan also served as executive producer of the...
Created and principally written by Peter Morgan, The Crown is a historical drama streaming television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Morgan developed it...
Created byPeter Morgan, The Crown is a historical drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Morgan also served as executive producer of the...
Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander is a historical drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Moore is also...
Created byPeter Morgan, The Crown is a historical drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Morgan also served as executive producer of the...
Created and principally written by Peter Morgan, The Crown is a historical drama streaming television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Morgan developed it...
Created by Jeb Stuart Vikings: Valhalla is a historical action drama television series from Netflix. It is a sequel to History’s Vikings, filmed in County Wicklow,...
Created and written by Simon Burke, Domina is a historical drama limited television series. The show is produced for Sky Atlantic (Italy) and Sky Atlantic (UK)....
Created by Jez Butterworth, Tom Butterworth, and James Richardson, Britannia is a historical fantasy drama television show. The show was the first co-production between Sky and...