Directed by Joe Cornish, Lockwood & Co is an upcoming British detective thriller television series for Netflix. Cornish is also the executive producer along with Nira...
Created by Ryan J. Condal and George R. R. Martin, House of the Dragon is an upcoming American fantasy drama television series. The executive producers of...
Written by Robert Siegel, Rajiv Joseph and Mehar Sethi, Welcome to Chippendales is an upcoming American drama streaming television miniseries. In May 2021, it was announced...
The Patient is a psychological thriller starring the infamous and hilarious Steve Carell, but well, not so much in his usual funny role. The show shapes...
Created by James Stoteraux, Natalie Abrams, and Chad Fiveash, Gotham Knights is an upcoming American superhero television series produced for The CW. The series centers on...
Monarch is an upcoming American drama television series about the country music family the Romans. The new show is produced by Fox Entertainment and created by...
Produced by Tom Winchester and Hiroyuki Sanada, Shōgun is an upcoming American period drama television limited series. The series is based on the 1975 novel of...
Created, written and directed by Ziki Nelson, Iwájú is an upcoming animated series, made for Disney+. Jennifer Lee is the executive producer of the show and...
Directed by Jason Winer, The Santa Clauses is an upcoming American Christmas comedy miniseries. The Santa Clause has now become a spin-off series on Disney Plus...
Developed by Adam F. Goldberg, Bill Barretta and Jeff Yorkes, The Muppets Mayhem is an upcoming comedy musical series, made for Disney+. It is based on...