Written by the creator Daniel Brierley, Trigger Point is a 2022 British crime thriller series. The series is set on Lana Washington an ex-military bomb disposal operative and Afghan War veteran who heads a Metropolitan Police bomb squad, using her skills to counter the terrorist threat.
Jed Mercurio, Jimmy Mulville, and Mark Redhead are the executive producer of the series. It was the first broadcast on 23 January 2022 on ITV. On 27 February 2022, it was announced that a second series was commissioned.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the storyline? Who will be in the lead roles? Keep reading to know more details about the series.
Trigger Point Plot and Cast
Season 2 of Trigger Point is expected to be more twisted, with loose wires for Lana to deal with and more commotions are almost inevitable on their path.
A new villain will be introduced in the upcoming season as the first season’s villain Warren Brown ( as Karl Maguire) was apprehended and killed. Daniel Brierly already has a storyline prepared in mind and it’s going to create more tension.
“I’m honored and excited to be given the chance to continue Lana’s story,” he explained. “I feel there’s many more twists and turns in her future. It’s been thrilling to see how the public have responded to our show and I can’t wait to see what they will make of the next instalment!”
For season 2, it’s been confirmed that Vicky McClure will be returning once again as Lana Washington. The other cast members expected to return alongside Mark Stanley will act as DI Thom Youngblood Eric Shango plays Danny, Nabil Elouahabi will return as Hassan Rahim, and Kris Hitchen depicts John Hudson.
We will also get to see Cal MacAninch will play Inspector Lee Robins, Manjinder Virk illustrates DI Samira Desai, Kerry Godliman in the role of Sonia Reeves, and Nadine Marshall will reprise as DSU Marianne Hamilton.
Trigger Point Season 2 Release Date
An official release date for season 2 has yet to be announced by the makers of Trigger Point. Since the first season was released on January 23, 2022, fans can expect the second season to be out in the fall of 2023.
The new season is expected to have six episodes like Season 1. However, the makers are yet to make some other official announcements related to the show.
Trigger Point Season 2 Trailer
Trigger Point Season 2 has been recently confirmed, so needless to say there is no trailer for now, although, we can expect it to be out in 2023. For now, you can watch the trailer of Season 1 below: