Fuller House is an American comedy sitcom created by Jeff Franklin that premiered on Netflix as its original series, and it is a sequel of the 1987 famous, Full House. Most of the originals cast ensemble for the sequel either as regular or guest appearance except for The Olsen Twins, who was the huge part of the 90s show, but they’re not making any cameo in the finale of Fuller House.
The producer and star of the show, Candace Cameron Bure said that she don’t want the last-minute appearance of Olsen Twins as Michelle in the final season of Netflix, Fuller House. After a successful five seasons of the show, Fuller House finally wrapped up its run this month by releasing the remaining nine episodes of the final season. The show ended on a happy note with three weddings. The ending was extremely emotional and funny, the cast of Full House was also there, Danny played by Bob Saget, Jesse played by John Stamos, and Joey played by Dave Coulier. The Olsen Twin was not there, otherwise, it would have been a beautiful reunion of the old cast.
Young Tanner sisters never make any appearance, after Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen refused to reprise their roles in Fuller House as they’ve left acting long back. The show’s creative team approached the twins many times, but they stick to their decision. To make up for Michelle, in the series Fuller House, the creator came up with the story in the first season only, as they have settled in New York working on their fashion empire which is in a way true, The Olsen Twins are the owners of fashion labels called The Row and Elizabeth&James.
Candace, one of the lead star and producer of the show, didn’t approach the twins again as she didn’t want that because they have made it clear in the first season of the show that they are not interested to reprise their roles. She definitely did not want a forced Michelle cameo in the finale, which the fans understood as the explanation of the absence of Michelle was given in the earlier seasons of Fuller House. The last-minute appearance of Tanner’s sister would’ve messed up the plot, and what happened is just better. The ending of Fuller House couldn’t be any more emotional and better.