Marvel’s Agents of Sheild is an American TV series created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tanchareon for ABC network, based on Marvel Comics organization S.H.E.I.L. D, a spy agency in the universe of superheroes, set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe bringing back Agent Coulson from his demise in The Avengers.
The show has come a long way since its debut in the year 2013. With the new seasons, the show narratives grew bolder, introducing Inhumans, Graviton, and Ghost Rider. The sixth season of the series ended with an amazing cliffhanger which is the plotline of the seventh and final season of Agents of Sheild, with the team arriving in the 1930s Manhattan. Season five and six were all set in the future, but the upcoming season will be set in the past which will play a key role. Clark Gregg teased the fans about the final season with multiple time periods.
With multiple time periods, and the finale of the season approaching soon, Chloe Bennett who plays Daisy Johnson in Agent of Shields, said that the ending of the series will be excellent unlike the ending of Games of Thrones which disappointed the fans on another level that it was received negatively worldwide. During an interview, she said there is a fitting ending for every character on the series. If the ending of Agents of Sheild is received well by the audiences then it will be remembered as an addition to Marvel Universe all the way to its end.
The trailer for the final season was dropped a month ago, if you’ve not checked it out yet then here it is for you!
With multiple periods and the 1930s, Manhattan plot Agents of Sheild is all set to release on 28 May 2020 on ABC network. Looks like fans should be in a treat for the final season!