Dr. Phil is a popular talk show created by Oprah Winfrey and hosted by Phil McGraw. McGraw earned huge popularity with his segments in “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and he later made his debut with Dr. Phil in 16th September 2002. Here, McGraw provides advice in the form of life strategies from his experience as a clinical and forensic psychologist. The program is nominated every year for a Daytime Emmy Award since 2004. The show is a production of Peteseki Productions and has been distributed by CBS Media Ventures.
The show is recorded before a live studio audience in Stage 29 at Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood, California. The show is recorded from August to May with a break in December. The show has been well received by the audience and covers a wide variety of topics. On 25th October 2018, it was announced that the show has been renewed for four more seasons taking it to May 2023 which can also be said as the end of the 21st season.
Release Date Dr. Phil Season 20 and 21
Let me tell you that Dr. Phil has run for 18 seasons with 2,191 episodes in total. The 19th season of Dr. Phil started in 1st October 2020 and ended on 10th March 2021 and the 18th season started on 7th January 2020 and ended on 11th September 2020. The announcement regarding the upcoming two seasons were announced in the year 2018 and right now, the makers have not yet announced a release date for Season 20 and 21 but since it has been told that Season 21 would end in 2023 so we can surely expect the next two seasons in 2022 and 2023.
Cast of Dr. Phil Season 20 and 21
The show would remain incomplete without the host Phil McGraw so he will surely return for the next two seasons. Nothing has been confirmed regarding the change in the crew of the show except a fact that the show will be distributed continuously for the next two seasons by CBS Media Ventures. It was distributed by King World from Seasons 1 to 6 and CBS Distribution Television from Seasons 6 to 19.
Trailer of Dr. Phil Season 20 and 21
The trailer of Dr. Phil Season 20 and 21 has not been released yet by the makers. When the release date will be announced by the makers, we can expect the trailer around that time.