Netflix recently released a new web documentary series called Down To Earth With Zac Efron. This documentary series was aired on Netflix on 10th July 2020, The series has 8 episodes which follow Erfon traveling across the globe and documenting his experience.
The show stars Zac Efron who is the host of the show! He travels to various cities of various countries and accounts for his travel log. He visits the famous locations of that city, the unexplored localities. He tries out the delicacies of that place and culture. He also interacts with the general population and gives a detailed account of his experience in the city.
The show depicts Efron taking time off from the hustle and bustle of daily life and enjoying the relaxing and therapeutic environment a holiday provides. Along with Efron, Darin Olien who is a wellness expert is present. They aim at discovering the healthy life hacks and tricks that every culture follows.
They are on a mission to find and discover various unique and new methodologies that different cultures and people follow to keep themselves healthy, fit, and happy. Not only this they themselves give try to these hacks and tricks to check if they would work for them or an average American.
Here is the list of the episodes which were released in a bulk on Netflix:
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
“Costa Rica”
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
“Puerto Rico”
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
The creators and producers of this show released it strategically during mid lockdown to let the viewers enjoy the beautiful and scenic sites covered by Efron and his team. The sites are so pleasing to the eye and so aesthetical! The show has got an 8.3/10 rating by IMBd and 93% by rotten tomatoes.
The fans of Zac Efron were super excited to see their favorite High School Musical star on their tv screens again.! The creators and producers at Netflix have not yet confirmed the news of the second season as of now. The moment there will be any confirmation about the possibility of season 2 we will be updating you.
Electronics and communication engineer in the making, I’m a voracious reader and a passionate writer. I enjoy learning new skills and aim to enhance my skillset. I strive to achieve the best and firmly believe that every opportunity is a gateway to one’s personal success and development.